How to Make Your Job Search More Successful


Looking for a new career is a process that requires dedication and time. Through our experience, we have noticed a few simple things that are not always utilized by candidates who apply for our positions.  We have compiled a few very simple things to keep in mind to increase the chance of getting an interview.

The first thing we recommend is the utilization of online resources. It is no secret that LinkedIn is a heavily used tool in candidate search for employers. Having a LinkedIn account that is up to date with detailed content is a huge advantage to job seekers. It is possible that when a resume is submitted, the recruiter or hiring manager may want to find the candidate on LinkedIn. You may also want to consider that an up to date and detailed LinkedIn profile is much more likely to come up as a search result. We recommend using a photo in your profile as well. It is more likely for someone to want to contact an individual who has a photo associated with their professional profile. If you are applying through Indeed or any other job board, make sure the formatting of your resume is easy to follow and understand.

When you have submitted your resume, or have been actively looking for a new position, be sure to have your phone number and your email visible on your resume. Some organizations prefer to email, and some prefer to call. We think it is best to have both listed to cover all the bases. On that note, it is important to have a professional voicemail recording with room to leave a message. If an individual is calling you from a resume you submitted and they are unable to leave a voicemail or the recording is not professional, they may not try again.

The third thing to note, is any open job is time sensitive. A job search can certainly take time, but responding to emails, voicemail, and any other communication promptly can make a difference in terms of getting an interview. Even if you need to respond by scheduling a time you are able to speak in detail, it is better to do so than not responding for a few days. It is possible that within a day or two, the hiring manager may no longer consider new candidates for their position.

If you are looking for a new opportunity, send your resume to with a short description of what you are looking for! If you have any questions, please call us at 416-979-7303. Happy job hunting!

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